History 52'


1950. With the US in the throes of the Red Scare, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a seemingly ordinary couple, find themselves the target of anti-Communist loathing. Based on testimony by Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, the Rosenbergs are arrested by the FBI.


The couple is accused of passing secret information about the atomic bomb to the USSR. Though the Rosenbergs maintain their innocence from the start, the media and public opinion seems to have condemned them from day one. The trial does nothing to change this and ends in a death sentence. On Friday June 19, 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in the electric chair. Julius first, then Ethel.


30 years later, the truth finally comes out. Declassified FBI archives reveal that Ethel was not guilty of being a spy; she was merely married to one. Julius did indeed commit espionage for the Soviet Union, though primarily as a recruiter, nothing at all like the fictional James Bond. This documentary, made entirely of archival footage and animated illustrations, offers a tale of espionage as well as a complex family tragedy. 

Direction: Julia Bracher

Production: Siècle Productions for France Télévisions 

Delivery: January 2025

Languages: French, English

see also