Social issues 70'


Consent, safe sex, pleasure, intimacy, equality… Sex ed sometimes neglect these essential questions in favor of biological considerations. To break the taboos and renew the dialogue, the health advisor Thomas Guiheneuc has set up a program for high school students.


In a Paris suburbs’ high school, a dozen volunteer teenagers participate in sex education workshops. Thomas Guiheneuc invites them to analyze, through a series of exercises, the multiple facets that the word sexuality covers. Little by little, the word gets out, leading each one to reveal his or her vision of love, of the other and of desire.


Between the collective sessions and the intimate testimonies, we see them gain confidence and maturity. Far from being trivial, their questions raise major issues at the intersection of the intimate and the political. Immersed in the classroom, we attend a beautiful lesson in sharing and respect.

Direction: Marie-Pierre Jaury 

Production: Point du Jour & Les Films du Balibari for France Télévisions

Languages: French, English

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