XR 8K 40'


Before the end of the decade, a woman and a black man will once again set foot on the lunar surface, a global event supported by the ARTEMIS mission, which marks mankind’s return to our satellite.


In this large-scale immersive documentary, discover the incredible technological adventure of this extraordinary achievement, and join the astronauts on their perilous mission.

An unprecedented immersion in the search for lunar water.


  • Enjoy an extraordinary scientific experience during the ARTEMIS mission.
  • Delve into the spectacular images of this great epic.
  • Be right up close to the astronauts when they set foot on the Moon again.

Direction: Léa Ducré & Jérémy Oury

Production: ZED, D&D Pictures, France TV Lab, NHK & PTS

Delivery: September 2025

Languages: French, Japanese, English

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