Art & Culture 2x52' 8x2'30''


Africa is the future of fashion: more and more of the world's leading fashion designers draw their inspiration from African trends, and the continent has become an essential part of the world of fashion for many international brands.


This series showcases designers and creators from different African countries, highlighting their talents in styling and craftsmanship. From Cameroon to Senegal and the Ivory Coast, discover today's African talents through interviews and exhibitions of their creations.

  • Aristide Loua
  • Pathé'O
  • Aissa Dione
  • Selly Raby Kane
  • Anna Ngann Yonn
  • Loza Maléombho
  • Alphadi
  • Collé Sow Ardo

Direction: Noémie Lenoir & Antoine Rivière

Production: Flair Production

Languages: French

see also