Nature 4K 2x50' 50'(science-of)

Kalahari, Land of secret alliances

New science from world experts reveals that collaboration plays a major role in animal evolution. 

And there is no better region of the world where this is more vividly on display than in the mighty Kalahari desert in southern Africa. 
Here, more than elsewhere, animals have found incredible ways to survive: secret pacts, tacit alliances, determination and cooperation. And not just between next of kin. Often with complete strangers. Ground squirrels living alongside yellow mongooses, and helping to protect them from predators like the Cape cobra. Sociable weavers co-habiting with pygmy falcons and lizards in giant communal nests. And drongos acting as alarm-calling sentinels for meerkats as they hunt for food, in return for some of the insects they flush. 
Using the very latest camera technology, this mini-series reveals the incredible tactics animals and plants use to survive in one the most punishing places on Earth.
  • Episode 1: Into the Heat
  • Episode 2: Pushed to the Limits

Direction: Pierre Stine 

Writing: Emilie Dumond

Production: ZED and Patrick Morris with the participation of France Télévisions, Servus TV, Ushuaïa TV & Love Nature

With the support of Creative Europe - Media Programme of the European Union

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • Green Screen International Wildlife film festival 2022

    Official Selection

  • Wildlife Conservation Film Festival 2022

    Official Selection

  • Lumexplore 2022

    Official Selection

  • NaturVision Film Festival 2022

    Official Selection

  • Deauville green awards

    Gold trophy

see also