Art & Culture 5x26'

Beat the Drum for Music

They are invented every day. Small ones, big ones, sophisticated ones, bizarre ones, whacky ones… You can make them by rubbing, banging and blowing… When it comes to makes sounds, our imagination is boundless! 
From a bar in Cuba to a cotton field in the United States and a philharmonic orchestra hall in Paris, this series describes the diversity of these instruments. By looking back at the origins of this diversity - in terms of sound, history and geography – we see music from a fresh perspective. 
A multitude of sounds, images and shapes which, thanks to archive images and an off-beat style, tell the marvellous history of musical instruments.

Direction: Jean-Loïc Portron

Production: Flach Film Production for ARTE G.E.I.E.

Languages: French, English

see also