Travel & Adventure 6x52'

Under The Pole - collection

Under the Pole is a team of experienced explorers and divers, led by two tireless adventurers - Emmanuelle and Ghislain. At a time when climate change becomes a fundamental threat, they decided to travel the globe to explore the depths of the oceans, in order to better understand and preserve them. On each expedition, they'll be joined by experts of all kinds - sailors, scientists, researchers, photographers... - equally committed and passionate. 


This documentary collection invites us to climb aboard the Why and sail across the seas of the world, from the icy depths of Greenland's fjords to the warm waters of Polynesia, via the hidden face of the Arctic. 


We embark on a spectacular human and scientific adventure, and a fascinating journey to the gates of the unknown. 

Direction: Thierry Robert, Jean-Gabriel Leynaud, Pierre Belet, Victor Rault & Vincent Perazio

Production: ZED

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • GALATHEA - Festival International du monde marin

    Jury's favourite

  • Festival International du Film d’Aventure of La Rochelle

    Official selection (episode 5)

  • Les Écrans de l'Aventure of Dijon

    Official selection (episode 5)

  • Adventure Film Festival of La Rochelle

    Pre selection (Episode 4)

  • Autrans Film Festival

    Best Nature & Environment Film

  • Adventure Film Festival of La Rochelle

    Public Award (Episode 2)

see also