Human Stories 6x52'

Tribal Animals

Some animals have always fascinated mankind for their mystery and power. Elephants, crocodiles, snakes, apes, big cats and sharks are feared as enemies in some cultures and admired as super beings in others.


Whether part of our nightmares or greatest hopes, this fascination has pushed man to want to confront these great animals and has given birth to surprising legends and beliefs that still haunt us today.


Impressive rituals, ceremonies and combat scenes are gathered into six incredible stories that explain the bond between tribal animals and human kind and why they are so present in our imaginations.

Season 1

  • Crocodiles
  • Sharks
  • Snakes

Season 2

  • Apes
  • Big Cats
  • Elephants

Direction: Jean Queyrat, Jérôme Ségur & Florence Tran

Production: ZED for France Télévisions

Languages: French, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Neutral Spanish, English, <span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.frontend.films.languages.espanol, count: 1">Espanol</span>

awards & festivals

  • International Film Festival of Toulon (France)

    Public Award & Film Archive Award

  • Special Young Jury Award, Tribal Animals I - Snakes

    Nancy Research Film Festival

see also