Nature 52'

The Titans of the Savannah

In the heart of wild Africa, at the border of the Kruger National Park, Tshukudu has nothing in common with other reserves. Tembo and Becky are two rescued elephant orphans. Separated from their parents as they were very young, they have learned to grow up in community with other species such as rhinos, hippos or lions, and have thus developped very unusual behaviors.


These two calves have reached adolescence, bereft of any role models or family supervision. They have had no adult elephants to teach them discipline or show them how to behave. Little by little, they have become the tearaways of the reserve, causing chaos within the herds and a lot of problems of proximity.

Direction: Etienne Verhaegen

Production: Cinéma Direct

Languages: French, <span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.frontend.films.languages.espanol, count: 1">Espanol</span>, English

see also