Science 52'


What do we know about our brain, that organ as complex as the universe, made up of nearly 86 billion neurons, and supposedly home to our consciousness? Today, breakthroughs in neuroscience are leading us to reassess many of our assumptions.


Where does consciousness really come from? Is it linked to our body, our physical and social environment? Where does biology end and culture begin? What if the human brain is just another organ, only slightly more sophisticated? What if it’s actually quite similar to that of a fly?


Thanks to technological advances, scientists can now observe this fascinating organ in action, tracking the formation of thought and exploring the relationship between body and brain. Featuring insights from some of the world’s leading neuroscientists, this documentary offers an unprecedented dive into our brain cells, and challenges the idea of human superiority over the animal world.

Direction: Philippe Baylaucq

Production: La Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse for ARTE France

Languages: French

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