Art & Culture 20x26'


Two filmmakers set out to discover the street art scene, crisscrossing the world’s cities in search of the most original urban artworks.


Paris, Berlin, Buenos Aires, London, Marrakech or Amsterdam… Each episode takes us to a different metropolis, hotbed of creative life. Here, artists from all horizons are taking over the streets, in many different ways. They share their worlds, their passions, their backgrounds, but also their intimate relationship with the city and their way of making it their own.


Rich in human and artistic encounters and discoveries, this documentary series paints an eclectic, modern and ever-changing portrait of urban landscapes as inexhaustible sources of expression.

  • Amsterdam
  • Berlin 
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Madrid
  • Paris
  • Prague
  • Rome
  • Marseille
  • Barcelona
  • Brittany
  • Bristol
  • Buenos Aires
  • Guadeloupe
  • Hamburg
  • Marrakech
  • Martinique
  • New York
  • Philadelphia
  • Vienna

Direction: Tanguy Malibert & Quentin Largouët

Production: La Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse for Voyage, TV5 Monde, Sky ART & ARTV

Languages: French

see also