Rediscover the forest through the fresh viewpoint of a Papuan chief born in Papua New Guinea: Mundiya Kepanga, the "child of the forest". This traditional storyteller unveils the extent of the deforestation that has drastically accelerated in his country in recent years.
Following his journey as an environmental defender, from his own village to the largest international symposiums, the film delivers a new way to look at the planet: our forests are a universal heritage that we have to save.
Committed to this cause, Mundiya Kepanga becomes an ambassador of the forest and the voice of indigenous people. A call to protect the world’s primal forests, reminding us that we are all the brothers of the trees.
Direction: Marc Dozier & Luc Marescot
Production: Lato Sensu Productions for ARTE France
Jackson Wild: World Wildlife Day Film Showcase
World Wildlife Day Film Showcase
Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature - Baie de Somme Abbeville, France
Green Image Film Festival - Tokyo, Japon
Festival du Film Vert
Greenpeace Switzerland