History 2x52' 110'

The Korean War

The Korean War was possibly the most important event since WW2 - a war that never really ended, influencing international relations to this day. Despite millions of deaths and refugees, this war has been nearly forgotten. With the recent opening of archives in Russia, the U.S., China and South Korea, new historical material is now available, including color films and hundreds of photographs, to rediscover a little-known conflict that shaped our world.


The Korean War brings to light a new history of the event, plunging us into a critical turning point in world history. To understand the present situation, we need to revisit the past.

  • Episode 1: Korea: The Forgotten War
  • Episode 2: Korea: The Never-Ending War

Direction: John Maggio

Production: WETA, ARK Media & ZED for ARTE France & KBS

To mark the 75th anniversary of the start of the Korean War (June 25, 1950)

Languages: French, English

awards & festivals

  • Festival international du grand reportage d'actualité et du documentaire de société (FIGRA)

    Official selection

  • Pessac International History Film Festival

    Official selection

see also