Human Stories 52'

Jungle Nomads of the Himalayas

At the foothills of the Himalaya, along the border separating India and Nepal, Raji nomads still hunt for wild honey.


They scale the trees of the great Terai forest, risking their lives to harvest the honey of the apis laboriosa - the largest migratory bee in the world. Both slave and master of the bees, Bahadur defies the towering trees and braves death for the survival of his people.


After discovering written accounts of the Raji' way of life, photographer and filmmaker Eric Valli set out to discover what had become of these nomadic people.

Direction: Eric Valli & Debra Kellner

Production: Wind Horse Productions & Canal +

Languages: French, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, German, English, <span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.frontend.films.languages.espanol, count: 1">Espanol</span>

awards & festivals

  • Mountain Film Festival of Austrans (France)

    Special National Geographic Award

  • Film Festival of Graz (Austria)

    Camera Alpin in Gold Alpin in Gold

  • International Film Festival of Toulon (France)

    Bronze Anchor, Best Music Award

see also