Factual 4x52’

Earth Signs From Above

From the ground, we see almost nothing: we walk around, without noticing mysterious but significant traces that lie at our feet. By taking height, we distinguish shapes, designs, and structures. Such giant traces finally take shape seen from the sky. Are they mystical or extraterrestrial signs, ancient geological events, or marks due to weather conditions ? Or could they be simple works of art or even hoaxes? 


Earth Signs from Above is an inventory of these strange manifestations, and an investigation that excludes no hypothesis, be it scientific, mystical, or social. Our characters were chosen for their charisma and their passion devoted to these enigmas. Throughout 4 episodes we contemplate these enigmatic marks as they should be seen: from the sky, with spectacular footage taken for the first time with the help of camera drones.

  • Episode 1: Crop Circles, A Modern Mystery
  • Episode 2: Megaliths, The Spirit of Stones
  • Episode 3: The Enigma of Geoglyphs
  • Episode 4: Land Art, Mysterious and Ephemeral

Direction: Quincy Russell, Pierre-François Gaudry & Paul-Aurélien Combre

Production: Mona Lisa Production

Languages: French, English

see also